Sunday, February 8, 2015

Brunch, Jazzercise, Brangelina. Everyone loves a good name-mesh, right? Well hopefully everyone loves a bad one, too....(the proper term for this is actually, portmanteau. I looked it up)

I've always loved the word "amalgamation", both in sound and meaning.  It's something I personally identify with.  I've always felt like this eclectic jumble of interests and preferences that didn't really make sense to go together. But here I am, nonetheless: a single entity comprised of this collection of sorts.  It's also how I imagine my hypothetical blogging style to be.  To limit entries to Travel or Food or Soccer or my Personal Life didn't make sense.  So if I do continue this blog, it will be a little bit of all of it.  The amalgamation of Mariah.

The main purpose to starting this is so that I can let people follow me along on this crazy, random trip that I'm about to go on (I know that I frequently end sentences in prepositions and will intentionally be colloquial and grammatically incorrect. Sorry if it bothers you). So let me catch you up real quick....

I'd first like to dedicate this trip to my Mom, Doreen Meaalii Nogueira.  I hope to feel you with me throughout this adventure and that I'm making you proud.  Also a shoutout to my best friend Austin Brashears, who probably would have won the trip over me, and if not, would drop everything to come along.  Do it for the story.

In December, I applied for this thing called the Bucket List Initiative with a travel company called PassionPassport.  They're great, look them up online or follow their amazing pictures and stories on Instagram or Twitter.  Anyway, I applied, was selected as a finalist by a group of judges, and voted the winner by the public.  This is probably referencing most of you reading this right now, so I'm going to give you another HUGE thank you for making this dream come true.

So what does this mean? It means I'm going on a 12 day trip to Samoa.  Real soon. Something that I've wanted to do since high school, as both of my grandparents on my Mom's side were born there, and it's just never worked out.  My main purpose in this adventure is to reconnect with roots that have been slowly loosening over the years.  To continue the metaphor, it's kind of like when there's a tree in front of your house and you maybe look at it now and again, but mostly you get used to it being there and ignore it....until it breaches your sidewalk and leaves you with cracks that need to be fixed.  This is how I've felt.  When I was younger, I felt a strong connection with my Samoan heritage.  Then somewhere along the way, I just kind of started unknowingly ignoring it.  As of late, I've felt several cracks.  The last, of which could not be ignored, was the passing away of my mother.  My home overflowed with family and tradition and old memories and I was seeing this (family) tree like it was the first time.  So choosing a location was a no brainer.  I can't wait to experience the culture, traditions, food, and love that I've felt straight from the source.

Which brings me to an itinerary.  If you know me, you know I'm no planner.  Obviously there are things that need planning, but I think life throws us what we need a lot of the time and we need to be open to receive it as it comes. That being said, there were a couple things I knew I wanted to do:
       1. Bury something of my Mom's in my grandpa's village
       2. Surf
       3. Meet and visit family, including my adopted brother's birth family
       4.. Get a Polynesian tattoo (jk I cant, but it's something I would have teased my Mom about)
       5. Service. What this ended up being is that I will be visiting some schools to run some soccer                clinics of sorts.  I play professionally, and in my 18 years of experience, I can probably count             the numbers of Polynesians I've met on two hands.  I want to get kids excited about soccer                   and exercise.  I want them to know that we, as Polynesians, can be successful in the world's                 sport, too.  I didn't have a role model that looked like me, and hopefully I can be that for                       someone.  What it boils down to is breaking molds.  I hate being a stereotype or cliche.  I want            kids to have the courage and confidence to be the first at something.

Well that won't fill 12 days, will it?  No spoilers, but for never planning a trip before, I think this will be a pretty epic first go at it.  I'll be going to both American and Western Samoa, with a little surprise in Fiji on the way home.  Most things will be pretty classic Mariah fashion, so expect fast pace, water, and outdoors.  But I've also left a lot of time for relaxation, family, and learning, naturally letting life and the locals take me along for the ride.

I really can't wait.  It's still so surreal.  So many people have asked me how I won something so random like this.  I ask myself the same thing.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity and hope and plan to maximize the experience and live up to everyone's expectations.  I've been buzzing for the past two weeks. I stay up at night turning the itinerary in my head and when I finally fall asleep, I'm there doing it.

I plan on documenting each day.  I'm not sure how the WiFi will be, but posts will be up eventually.  Feel free to check in whenever.  My hope is that something, somewhere in my story touches you and inspires you to do something that you love or have always wanted to do.  If not, thank you for your interest in me and my journey. Speak soon.

Twinning with my Mama

1 comment:

  1. Super duper excited for ya. Have fun and can't wait to see all the photos.
